Money and Sustainability
Bernard Lietaer Our money system IS the 'Missing Link'. We tend to assume that we must have a single, monopolistic currency, funded through bank debt, enforced by a central bank.…
Bernard Lietaer Our money system IS the 'Missing Link'. We tend to assume that we must have a single, monopolistic currency, funded through bank debt, enforced by a central bank.…
Margrit Kennedy Money is one of humankind's most ingenious inventions - and also one of its most dangerous. Interest and Inflation Free Money offers a clear, simple explanation of how…
Thomas H. Greco, Jr. Demystifying Money and Liberating Exchange The mission of this site is to demystify money and liberate the process of exchange by making available important documents and…
Richard A. Werner This paper presents the first empirical evidence in the history of banking on the question of whether banks can create money out of nothing. The banking crisis…
The first formal credit theory of money arose in the 19th century. Anthropologist David Graeber has argued that for most of human history, money has been widely understood to represent debt, though…
If we consider, in retrospect, any process of goods or values creation, and go deeper into its understanding to the level of physical processes, it becomes evident that any process of this kind is an overflow and conversion of energy.
L’objet de la conférence est d’aborder plus spécifiquement les questions des effets et des impacts des monnaies complémentaires locales, c’est-à-dire de monnaies fortement ancrées sur le territoire, impliquant des collectifs citoyens, des acteurs économiques locaux et, le plus souvent, les pouvoirs publics.
Funding government deficit with own currency is simply another tax on wages and savings through inflation
The solution proposed is an independent mobile wallet; independent of banks, vaults, blockchains, and level-two's, (even of other wallets) that contains local transactions.
We are painfully aware of the severely distorted distribution of wealth on our planet, and how it came about, but what can we do about it?